Sunday, January 25, 2015

Praxis - Tim Knipp (Acts. 1:1-11)

My life is the evidence of the love of God.. for the world.
Praxis: the process by which an idea
is enacted, embodied, or realized.

The sequel continues.
Though the Hero has gone,
He is not finished -
the best is yet to come.

The evidence is in,
with proofs and
firsthand testimonies
of resurrected life.

Yet still we quibble,
question, and 
want it done according
to our will.

We do it still.

While we seek comfort,
He sends danger, adventure,
and challenge.
While we stand gaping,
eyes skyward,
He sends angels
to spur us into action.


What will we do?
Glancing backward, 
will we remember
with gratitude the 
work He's done?
Then forgetting what is past,
will we press on?

Teach me to see
obstacles as opportunity,
disappointments as
daring me to hope on,
and change me
to be Your champion,
caring for Your causes
and moving 
to Your motioning hand.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Conflict Resolution, Carlo Furlan (Matt. 5:9)

Blessed are the peacemakers -
those who point
their steps
towards conflict -
for they are named:
"children of God."

Warning: safety glasses required!

God's glory must
be the primary aim,
keep before you ever
this one flame.
Turn the glasses inward
and ask
what you really want the most:
to be right
or to be close?
what is your aim?
to bring peace
or to maim?

Then choose the tool
that will reach that end -
measure with the Golden Rule(r); 
a mallet 

Speak tentatively:
"I wonder if..."
"I feel..."
"In my opinion..."

Do your part
to seek peace
in safety and wisdom.

Respect, like breath
is crucial,
once gone, peace chokes,
and cannot thrive.

The status of peacemaker
is earned through trial
and error -
no one reaches perfection
every time.
Follow in the steps
of the God-given
Prince of Peace

Walk on.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Let's Talk About Death (Who is Jesus series) Jonathan Lytle

The empty chair
is a black hole -
a gaping reminder
of absence,
a loved one stolen
by death.


Death is a thief
and deserves our rage.

So weep with Him.

"Do not go gentle
into that good night -
rage, rage against the 
coming of the night."*

Jesus called Lazarus
back from death
to spite its power
and foreshadow
our future.

"I am the resurrection
and the life."

Look the gaping hole
in the eyes -
rage against it:
      Lord, if only You had been here!
Sink into the pain

Hold onto His promise
that those
who believe in Him
will live

*From "Do Not Go Gentle" by Dylan Thomas
John 11:17-37

Jonathon Lytle - Who is Jesus? Series Jesus' Response to Death