Sunday, August 18, 2019

Guarantee; Question Marked series - Christian Lindbeck (John 16 & 17)

Ominous rumblings vibrate,
salted with bubbling joy.
Hard times are ahead,
I won't lie about that,
but good times are coming,
I guarantee,
in the end.

Do you believe now?
Your loyalty will tested -
you think you have faith now?
Your faith will be torn
and shredded 
by the hurricane to come.
You'll be separated
and will tremble
and cower,
knowing you should stand.

My words and deeds
have planted Truth in you
and it has taken root.
Though the storms to come
will cut this truth down,
yet, from broken stalks,
sprinkled with Spirit rain,
new and stronger
shoots will break forth.

It is beneficial
that I leave you now -
though it will shatter you -
because then the work begins,
when you know beyond doubt
that nothing,
comes from you -
it is all a gift from Us.

Give me your tiniest grain
and I will do the rest.
Your frailty is assumed,
and foreseen.
It will not separate us,
though an abyss
may seem to yawn
between us.

Know this:
nothing [injustice, ugliness, apathy],
nothing [hypocrisy, laziness, messiness],
nothing [trauma, discouragement, affluenza]
can keep me
away from 
my beloved.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

After All; Question Marked series - Christian Lindbeck (John 14:6-11)

Electrically charged ions
slither and snap
as befuddled minds grapple
with words that
seem senseless.

The "follow me" teacher
figures says, "stay here -
where I go,
you can't."

To astounded, gung-ho 
He says, "No, you won't,
and what's more,
you'll fail me."

"Look at me
and you'd seen Him.
Don't you know me?
After all you've seen
and heard,
how could Kingdom,
come from my hands alone?
Do you not trust me?"

Theory becomes personal
as they
and we

How long have I known Him
and yet
I don't trust the intimacy
of true knowing?
Why does the risk 
loom gigantic -
an insurmountable barrier
that paralyzes my feet?

Even though I straggle behind,
choosing shadows
and mere echoes of His voice,
still He turns
with kindness
and beckons
me closer.

Do I dare
(disturb the universe)?
do I