Sunday, November 26, 2017

Dance with Time: Scandal: God was Born series - Tim Knipp (Luke 2:1-7)

A Jewish girl at prayer
electrified history
in a particular place
at a specific time.


A gift we step into
to encounter God.
Drink from the chalice
of sacred moments;
let none slip by

Chronos clocks tick
draining life,
boxing time.
Kairos time
is divine,
tingling air, alive
with possibility.

In Bethlehem
chronos and kairos
met and danced.

We can learn 
the steps
through practice:
daily sabbath moments,
weekly hours
and yearly times
of reflection.
One step
at a time.

Some will feel clumsy,
the minutes chunky and loud,
but practice
can lead us
into fluid movement,
a dance
with Time
where we accept the gift
and let it twirl us
into His arms.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Enough, but Thankful: From Prison to Joy series - Christian Lindbeck (Phil. 4:10-14; 1 John 1:3)

curls like a purring cat,
to circumstance.

The cat who walks alone,
content with itself
and its Shadow -
also loves a
good chin-rub
and a warm body
to curl around.

So thank you.
Christ is enough for me
but oh, 
how thankful I am
that you walk 
beside me
as well.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Caught Not Taught: From Prison with Joy series - Tim Knipp (Phil. 3:17-4:1)

Mechanized living -
efficient and productive -
assembly line formation:
the way of the world.

Rather...shadow me, 
says Paul.
Imitate my movements,
evaluate my choices,
and do likewise.
Press in to my shape;
see my heart
and mold yourself around me.


Who is imprinting me?
And what will the results be?
What glaring fault lines
will trip them up?
This broken being is all I have,
limping along a darkened path...
do I dare to lead the blind?

Before I can be impress-able,
I must press in to God,
softened and moldable,
chastened and raw,
till I am formed anew
by His character
and care.