Sunday, April 6, 2014

On the Way to Jerusalem, Luke 17-19; Christian Anderson, 4/6/14

Expectations simmered for eons,
               - for justice
           - for deliverance
                - for glory.Tension in the air,
     the long-oppressed
          sweet freedom
              in the form of a hero.
Along the way
        He stopped
                     and again
         - the unclean
                  - the youngsters
                       - the reviled.

The revolution is not
in strength
         or intellect
              or wealth
                     or influence.
Power comes
   from obedient dependence
     on the Holy Spirit.

Weakness became power
      as Jesus breathed His last -
           foolishness to some,
                         power to us.
The bloodied intersection
           of rough hewn wood
          became the symbol of a new
power in giving up
         our rights
              our safety
                  our life.

On the way to Jerusalem -
       to the ultimate battle 
               of the centuries -
Jesus took time for
           - lepers
              - children
                   - rich rulers
                        - tax collectors.
Who should I stop for
             along my way?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful eloquence pointing me towards Truth. I look forward to listening to this message when it is posted online. Thank you for this.


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