Monday, July 7, 2014

What is the Good Life? Tim Knipp Gen. 2:1-3

The doorway is reached
          toil and completed work.
Step across the 
          into the holy day
       of rest.
Bless the day -
    allow rest 
       to have its way
            with you
        Listen to the silence
          that isn't 
             silence at all.
Be still and
     feel the earth rotate,
            the wind breathe.
Lean into 
        the King's strength
                   and care;
       enjoy the kingdom
                 He created.
Rest in Him.
           Turn your striving aside and trust.
 Remember His blessings.
              Enjoy with God
                   the cheerful chickadees
                 in the bubbling fountain;
                    the young stag
            wandering through dew wet grass.
Receive even the rain
         on a summer day
                   as a gift,
                        and marvel.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Carol, thank you. Your ability to transcribe a message to its essence blesses me.


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