Sunday, October 26, 2014

Think Like a Missionary, Jonathan Lytle; 10/26/14

Translating grace requires empathy -
stepping into 
the skin of another
to see with their eyes;
hear with their ears;
and feel their heart beat
from the inside out.

Translation is not adaptation -
true is true.

Admitting the bad news
already recognized,
noticing the false saviors,and locating the glimmer
of hope
will serve us well.

Paul spoke to the heart
of the Philippians,
calling them "citizens"
of heaven -
speaking words that
resonated -
sending tremors
that called them by name
and helped them see.

Americans know that things
will never satisfy,
but still we amass them;
we hold ourselves up
as self-rescuers but fail
again and again;
we feel fractured and false
and yet hope for a real love
that will fill the cracks.

Yet knowing individuals
requires listening
and hearing each person's story,
giving their fears
and failures dignity,
caring for them as individuals -
not conquests
or potential jewels
in our own crown.

Each of us is a human being,
created by God
and therefore loved.

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