Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Call - Tim Knipp - Who is Jesus? series

The grand adventure calls to us all,
stirring deep longings,
and yet
we settle for mediocrity
in the day to day.
Are we simply a cosmic accident
or important 
characters embarking 
on a hero's journey?

At the end of a long night shift,
an exhausted fisherman
is drafted and grudgingly
shares his boat.
Fighting yawns,
he listens,
knuckles denting
grizzled cheeks,
After talking 
comes the absurd request -
"Let down your nets."
When logic fails,
Simon obliges.
Muscles screaming
and head throbbing,
he and his partners toss
freshly cleaned nets
into slate colored water.

Then the impossible happens -
nets fill beyond capacity
in dawn's milky light -
and Simon chokes
on his fear.
This is not a world he recognizes
and he clutches his 
small understandings
and squeezes his eyes shut,
saying, "go from me."

Jesus gently reaches down,
invites Peter from his 
calloused knees
and into a bigger story.

The choice is between
the predictable world
that logic and science dissect,
a world that can be measured
and quantified -
coins counted by a miser
behind closed shutters -
and the unknown
adventure story
filled with causes that matter
and a Hero whose heart
can be trusted.

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