Sunday, September 17, 2017

Not About Me: From Prison with Joy series - Tim Knipp (Phil. 1:19-26)

Facing a fearful future event,
or suffering,
or loss,
can overwhelm,
shake foundations
and crumble
flimsy faith.
I trust my God -
like Job, who knew
his God
would vindicate him
on the final day.
I will not hang my head in shame
before Him.
What happens, happens
and it will happen
for God's great purpose.
My life, my death
is not the issue -
but how my life
or my death
can further God's truth.
See I live for Him,
and when I die,
I will be with Him:

I live not
for personal fulfillment
or (American) dreams
of success -
but for God's good pleasure.
So suffering and death,
rather than obstructions
or rips 
in the tapestry
of happiness,
have meaning
and purpose 
in a plan that
a thousand universes.

Life is Christ.

Death, a door 
to my inheritance.
Its not about me.

Joy, unpursued
on my shoulder
and sings to me,
night and day
as I release
my grip
on self.

Be real
and ask for prayer
when in need.
Open your hands
to receive God's spirit
that alone
can lift you
above the struggle.

To live is Christ.
To die,


  1. Your words were a timely reminder, my friend. Thank you for faithfully responding to each weekly message in service to others and for God's glory.


Thank you letting us share with you today. We love to hear your thoughts and comments.