Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Great Rescue: The Big Story series - Tim Knipp (Exodus)

Aliens in Egypt,
we threaten the natives
by our numbers
and ethnicity.
In self-defense
they oppress
and enslave us,
but massively incarcerated
and vilified daily
we grow strong.

Trembling leaders
plan mass genocide,
Our people wail
and writhe
under the weight
of injustice.

In desperation,
quite likely many
baskets are set afloat,
but only one gets through:
scooped from the Nile
and raised as one
of the enemy.
Yet somehow he 
is schooled in
the history of his people
and his sense
of justice simmers.

After an overflow
of rage 
goes awry,
and humility
paints him scarlet,
God speaks.


I hear you, My people
and My heart
aches for you. 
I will break the chains
that bind you,
overthrow tyranny
and confound the laws
of nature -
have I not created it all?
Is it not mine to command?

I am the One and Only God
and you shall see 
My power;
you shall feel My heart.
I will rescue you
from false idols,
from alienation
and homelessness,
and I will make you
a people
called by My own name.


In the desert 
I will sift you
finer than sand;
my sirocco winds
will blow away
the dust of worldly things -
see them tumble
down the dunes.


I will teach you 
a new way
and you will see Me 
for who I am.
I have saved you
and you are mine.
Now walk with Me
in a manner worthy of My name.

Let's set the fractured bones
of this world
and tenderly care
for every part
of my creation.


And let us
dwell together,
you and I -
as close as shadows.
Learn from Me
how to see,
how to be.
I will water your
thirsty souls,
raise you up,
give you focus
and insight
so that you may
feed and sustain
those yet unborn.

My Beloved,
I give you a new 
a new community
built on My holy truths.
Hear them echo
the years.

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