Sunday, November 24, 2019

Full Stop: The Big Story - Christian Lindbeck

The grand finale
will bring the story
full circle -
from tree
to tree.

In that face-to-face
our eyes will embrace
Him in the flesh;
His breath will mingle
with ours
and we will change -
His presence willlike falling dominoes
upon injustice,
ending it - full stop.
Those who scoffed
will be left empty-handed
behind a keyless door,
thicker and wider
than eternity.
No more chances.
Full stop.
All wickedness will bear
its own poisoned fruit,
and devour itself 
like a hyper-active cancer.
Those who have misused power
will watch it dissolve
beneath them
as they fall into chasms
of their own making;
those who stole innocence
will drown in defilement -
all who turn away
will be left
on the other side.

Then, His hands will swirl
through astonished air
and the universe will
be reinvented,
unbroken and of 
original intent:
and good.
All our best days 
combined will not begin
to compare
and we will be unleashed
to enjoy this gift
as He always intended.

I know that I plan 
to pirouette through stars
and soar over
turquoise oceans
on my first day.
And that is only
the beginning.
Black holes 
and spinning galaxies,
heart beats
and hummingbirds
defy comprehension;
yet they thrum
about us,
obvious and undeniable.

What do you risk
by not considering
the true nature
of this Story?
What will you gain
if it is 

1 John 3:2; 1 Cor. 13:12; Luke 13:24-25
Rev. 20:11-12; 2 Pet. 3:9; Phil. 1:23-24

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