Sunday, April 19, 2015

Courage (Praxis Series) Tim Knipp (Acts 4:1-14; Luke 22:52-62)

Be brave 
more than careful.
Be courageous
more than safe.

Resurrection meant
Opposite Day - 
capsizing of the 
status quo.

Brought before the
intimidating elite,
uneducated, backwards
fishermen trembled.
It was the
second time around 
for Peter.
Tasting bitter gall,
he looked his personal fear
in the eyes.
he spoke the name
of Christ.
His unloosed tongue
trumpeted truth
and craven fear
in defeat.
More shadow than 
fear dissolves
in the light
of courage.
"Do not be afraid"
echoed in Peter's ears
as he stunned the 
priests and elders
to silence.
From cowering
to bold broadcaster,
Peter chose to trust
in the One who
forgave his darkest betrayal;
the One who faced
the grave and triumphed;
the One who filled
Peter with His strength.

We can spread our arms
and lie back
into the supporting arms 
of that same One.

Do I trust Him?

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