Sunday, April 5, 2015

Restoration - Tim Knipp (Acts 3:21; Col. 1:15-20)

Is the empty tomb
simply a Christian version
of eternal life insurance -
a safety net so we
can calm our fears
when contemplating
the vast maw of death?

Or did the empty tomb
provide a conduit
through death
rather than an escape
from its clutches?

God's masterwork
of Creation is slashed
and marred
by our addiction
to our selves.
We see in a fractured mirror,
unable to speak
without lies,
or act without
ice in our veins;
unable to touch
creation without spreading
our dis-ease.

This brokenness was 
inflicted on Him
so that through His death
all the fragmented
can be re-formed
by the Puzzle Maker.

We can choose restoration
or rebellion,
calm or chaos.

Does cynicism hold 
you back?
What if it is true?

Have broken people
wounded you?
Look beyond the
jagged edges of your wounds
to Him who
bled for you
and offers you 


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