Sunday, April 15, 2018

Paradox: Creed Series - Christian Lindbeck (John 1:14; Rom. 8:29; Heb. 4:14)

"I believe in Jesus Christ"
takes center stage - 
disrupting history,
dividing time into 
before and after.
John places Christ
at the beginning, before Time -
with God and yet God
but not God the Father;
outside of Time,
omniscient -
who stepped willingly
into Time,
dressed in mortal flesh
and all that implies -
yet exists for all Time.
"The only Son of God, 
the Father."

"Conceived by the Holy Spirit"
God's breath
invaded a virgin's womb,
permeating all barriers,
to ignite 
and impregnate -
the divine mingled
with the earthly,
danced a round or two
and Life began.

"...born of the virgin Mary"
Gripped in the vise
of birth pains,
his child's skull,
a battering ram from within,
our High Priest
was born in blood
and water
as we are;
yet perfect as we
are not.

Descended from Mary,
whose ancestor, David
received the promise 
for generations;
Even Joseph
can trace lines that
echo prophet's words
and wander back
to Eve herself;
the Promised Hero
waited since banishment
from the garden,
yet untainted with
Adam's sin.

"I believe in Jesus Christ,
the only son of God,
conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin, Mary." 

Firstborn of a new creation.

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