Sunday, January 13, 2019

Take Courage; Isaiah: Light to the Nations - Tim Knipp (Isa. 7:1-9)

Newly ruling, young and green,
he faced an invading force
with quaking knees.
Squeezed on all sides
by swarming hordes,
the people quailed 
and cried.

Fear is a solid force,
an enemy from within,
sometimes boldly grasping territories
and often sending small sorties
night after night.

A message comes:
guard your heart,
don't worry or fret,
take courage.
Acknowledge your fear
but don't let it guide you.
What you fear
will not come to pass -
I, the Lord, am your only refuge,
if you trust in Me.

Choose trust over fear,
hope over despair,
your God over yourself.
Listen, listen,
and you will hear
the quiet voice 
of your Creator.
Look, look
to the One who wrestled
in Gethsemane,
fighting fear
in hand-to-hand combat
and ultimately chose
to trust His Father -
even unto death.

It may not all work out
but you will not walk alone.
When the torrents come
you will have a solid foothold,
a place to stand
that will not move.
Though the mountains tremble,
the enemies gather
howling for your blood,
stare fear in the face
and take courage
from knowing
with Whom 
you stand.

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