Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why is there pain? Tim Knipp (Gen. 3:16; 4:1-2a; 4:25-26

Consequences ripple
from the apple's crunch.
Having chosen self,
the universe 
spins out of control.
Volcanic birth
is just the beginning,
the nature of families
becomes pain.

She "like God"
creates a man:
a son, Cain,
            (her heart swollen with pride).
Who knows
why Abel was an afterthought,
perhaps the effort was too much
or the gender a disappointment...
but his birth seems
inconsequential -
how quickly miracles pale.

Cain was his mother's son
and swelled up in anger
at God's reprimand -
oh, if only he 
had turned from self and sin
as God advised.

A mother's lament claws
at the heavens,
as much for the loss of Abel
as for the stained hands
that exile Cain -
both children ripped first from the womb,
and then
from her life.

Real choices lead to real

In the years that followed,
did Eve's thoughts
return to God's words
warning her of the pain
she had chosen?

The gift of Seth,
granted by God's grace
seemed to soften her heart
and several ripples later
the people turn
and once more the universe
is righted.

Could pain be necessary -
a megaphone to my deaf ears?

It certainly does not defeat God.
Even the most atrocious,
unthinkable actions or events
 cannot thwart His purpose
or dim His love.

What happens when 
the ripples of pain
meet the tide
of grace?

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